Jag hamnade i en diskussion om USA och mellanöstern på IMDB. Och jag skrev ett svar, men jag kan inte posta det där, för det skulle eventuellt få mig bannad från sidan. Så jag lägger upp det här istället så jag får ventilera mina åsikter lite grann.

You guys are a real credit to your country.

I saw a movie on youtube were Americans were questioned about different things around the world, and there was also a question regarding collateral damage. Do you people have any idea of what that is?
And I am not referring to a movie starring a California governor... Chemical Weaponry?

You people seem to think that everyone actually living in the middle east is a terrorist. I bet you think the word "Muslim" is another word for terrorist as well.

And statements like "*beep* the rest of the World!" really sends a message from the *cough* greatest democracy on earth.

And btw who -asked- you to enter and save Iraq? I'm not going to blame the people of the united states because their leaders are oil hungry corrupted morons (no names mentioned) but wake up damn it!

Yes, be proud of your country, you have the statistically dumbest and fattest people in the world.

Oh and please, since you have the option to nuke my country because I used your precious "freedom of speech" please do so. USA is like a school bully, you take pride in freedom of speech but if someone mentions something negative about the US you punch them.

Get yourselves an image of the outside world and shut up you redneck, christian, pathetic, patroitic morons.

Robert Löfgren, agnostiker är nere på jorden, ateister är arroganta.


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